Q: How do you ship?
A: For the best service at the lowest price, we recommend Ground Advantage (formerly First Class) mail for deliveries in the USA, and either Asendia or UPS Worldwide Expedited for all other destinations. For further savings, we carry our own supplemental shipping insurance policy. This is also a security measure: since our insurance is paid separately, not as part of the applied postage, our packages bear no obvious external indication of value. On average, domestic delivery times will be between two days and a week. Note that Express Mail is the only domestic USPS service that consistently provides true real-time online tracking and, in the USA, a guaranteed delivery date.
Other shipping options are available; consult our Terms of Sale page for more information. We will try to accommodate rush orders to the best of our ability, but please note that we are often traveling to auctions, pen shows, and other destinations, so next-day or second-day delivery service may not always be available.