We're taking a long weekend! The shop will be closed Friday through Thursday. All orders received during our absence will be shipped by the end of next week.
15143: unmarked eyedropper-filler: black hard rubber slip-cap, 13.6 cm long, gold filled Art Nouveau filigree overlay has not a trace of brassing (was sold to us as tested as 14K, but more likely top quality very thick gold laminate). Closely resembles a Waterman, similar quality but parts do not interchange. #2 warranted nib is a notable writer, only slightest fading to hard rubber.
DATE: c. 1905 • CONDITION: exc • NIB: medium stub flex • $425
9970: unmarked safety: miniature black hard rubber retracting-nib German safety, 8.35 cm long, engine-turned silver overlay marked only "900" at the center of the cap crown; despite size, a fully functional pen, cork has been replaced, 14K gold warranted nib has considerably flex, but due to dimensions line width variation is limited.
DATE: c. 1920 • CONDITION: fine-exc • NIB: medium fine flex • $365
More pens with flexible nibs: A to C - D to O - P to Z